Thursday, August 4, 2011

Taking it Easy today!

I finally got my husband to watch the kids yesterday!  I didn't waste a single second!  I was like the wind and blew out the door and straight to the gym for my "me" time!  Today.....well today I'm paying for overdoing it at the gym yesterday!  haha 

I am in the process of decluttering our home and preparing for a community-wide yard sale this weekend!  Bye bye stuffed animals!  We also upgraded the boys from toddler beds to twin beds!  John has already fallen out of it!  haha  I sure hope that Daddy can keep the kids distracted this weekend so that they don't see their toys being hauled off by other kids!  That didn't go over so well last year for them.  However, I need to earn some extra dollars to put into an emergency fund for us. 

I am presently reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover.  Baby Step #1 is to build $1000 emergency fund ($500 if your annual income is less than $20,000).  Baby Step #2 is to tackle that annoying debt (minus the mortgage right now).  So...I'm on baby step #1!! 

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