Saturday, October 13, 2012

Autumn Activity!!

John had the BEST time gluing the corn flake cereal to the tree picture!  I had him smash the cereal down on to the paper.  He enjoys textures and has sensory integration disorder.  I had him watch as we lifted the tree to a stand-up position.......the "leaves" fell off of the FALL!  How awesome!  Then, they were all over the floor (nothing a vacuum can't pick up!), so John took his Hot Wheels car through the "leaves" and threw them on the car!  He was remembering us driving down the mountain roads around here.  He wanted to eat them, but they had already been glued.  However, you can make this a full sensory experience!!  You can even incorporate transferring to metal pans, counting them (I like the metal muffin pans for noise and counting).  I also broke out the Cocoa Krispies and they added a chocolate-scented adventure!  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tried a Pinterest Idea!

I have recently decided (like most) to try a few ideas!  The first one that jumped out at me was listed on another follower's Pinterest account as a Halloween idea.

I was in a bit of a hurry trying to design the Spider Web Walking activity from No Time for Flash Cards.  I used painters tape for the web and tissues with eyes/mouth for the ghosts.  Here is the result from that:


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Jacob's First Day of Preschool! (September 5, 2012)

Wake up, sleepyhead!!!

So not a morning person!
Jacob is trying to be excited LOL

There's my excited new preschooler!!!

John is telling Jacob how much fun school is!!!

Gotta have the Lucky Charms!


Watching tv and playing Leapster 

Still waking up!

Jacob and John having a bonding moment!

Photo Op!
Jacob acting silly!  That's my boy!  
Photo Op with Momma!

Jacob is ready to go to school!!
Let's GO!!
Jacob is almost there!  He's getting excited!

Jacob's preschool is in the country - across from a cornfield!

Jacob is walking into preschool with his head held up high!!!
Jacob is so excited!!

Showing Daddy his classroom!!

Jacob and his new Preschool teacher, Mrs. Oswald!  

John's First Day of Kindergarten (August 27, 2012)

John WAS asleep on the morning of his first day of school!  
Stretching and trying to wake up!
John walking down the stairs

OH NO - you can't go back to sleep now!!  

John is being silly - thinks he's going back to bed!

John eating his breakfast of champions - Kellogg's Krave!  haha

Awww I finally got a smile!

Jacob just HAD to play with John this morning - how cute!

My newest kindergartener is heading out!

Bye John!!!  

John is so excited!  He can't wait to ride the school bus!

John posing with his lifetime friend, Keanan!
Here comes John's bus!!!
John is SUPER excited!!!!  

John waiting in line to get on the bus!

There he goes!!!  Off to start a lifetime of learning in a public school!

Bonding experience gone bad! (August 4, 2012)

We should discuss the importance of HELMETS for children!

My husband and I are very intelligent people.  We thought that the kids could just hop on my husband's atv for a few minutes up the trail and back down - just to see where Daddy hunts.  My husband comes from a long line of hunting and his dad did this with him - it was a bonding experience....initially.

My husband had John in his lap and Jacob right behind him.  That is how the children normally ride with him.  They don't normally climb any hills on the ATV and know the rules of staying seated.  However, Jacob couldn't see once they started to climb the hill, so he tried to stand up.  Jacob and John do not have helmets that fit them.  Daddy was not wearing his.  Like I mentioned, it was a quick ride and a last minute thought to take the kids up there.  Jacob went to stand up.  Daddy let off of the throttle to reach back and make him sit back down.  Unfortunately, my husband thinks he turned the handlebars during that time and the ATV got sideways in the trail.  It was a point of no return.  My husband could NOT evacuate the ATV with children on board!  He leaned over John and protected him during the 1 complete revolution of the rollover.  John got one small bruise on his back and a tiny scratch on his face.  My husband's right shoulder was pretty scratched up, but that's it.  They got up.  Daddy looks at John staring off.  "John!  John!  Are you okay?  John!  Answer me, John!"  John finally says, " Look, Daddy!  Jacob is hurt!"  He looks over and Jacob is running around with blood gushing out of his head and screaming!  We do not know if he jumped before it flipped and landed on a rock or if the ATV flipped him off and onto a rock.  Joe scooped them up and hauled them quickly down the mountain.  I was on a different trail - I have no helmet of my own.  His cousin came and brought me down there.  When I opened the door, my husband announced, "Jacob has a hole in his head!"  This was all such a surreal moment!   The kids were smiling and excited to be hanging out with Daddy and on the 4wheeler, too!  Now this?!?  I jumped in the backseat and my husband already had his shirt on Jacob's head and had Jacob holding pressure.  Anyone else might've panicked, but not my husband!  I'm proud of him for that.  Do we have regrets?  OMG YES!  It's like letting your child help you cook and a pot accidentally gets pulled down on them!  Yes, you would have regrets and you knew you shouldn't have stepped away to answer that phone, etc.  

Jacob needed 5 stitches when we got him to the local band-aid hospital.  I actually watched the doctor put his finger inside of my son's head.  He was checking for bone fragments.  Jacob had a CT scan and that terrified him.  Jacob is 4 years old and small for a 4 year old.  This little fella was so terrified and in so much pain at the same time.  The CT scan showed a skull fracture - linear fracture with 3 mm of subhematoma beneath the surface.  They were ill-prepared to handle this situation or children, in general.  He had to be life-flighted 2 hours away from there.  Life flights = NO PARENTS can go!  Just FYI.  He got there in 15 minutes.  We were in the mountains, so we had to drive 2 hours out to our house to drive John to my oldest son.  Then, it was 1 hour to the hospital from our house.  

We had a lot to discuss on the way to the hospital.   He regretted the decision to go up the hill and wished he had stayed on the flat area with them.  I was/still am not mad at my husband.  He honestly thought he was bonding with our children!  We thought it was a quick ride - what could possibly go wrong?  Well, this 700 lbs of ATV could've killed one/both of the kids.  Jacob could've been brain dead or paralyzed.  My husband could've broken his neck!  They seriously had a LOT of angels watching over them!  My husband said that the snorkel kit on the front of the ATV (from a previous creek ride in TN that he did) is what actually saved them during the rollover!  

Please note:  I am under NO circumstances condoning riding without proper safety devices.  This is my mission actually - to inform others about what could've happened in a blink of an eye!  My son jumped up - nobody predicted that would happen!  Should you live your life in fear of what might happen?  Absolutely not!  Just take proper precautions.  If helmets do not fit, do not put the child on board!  Even a helmet is not 100% during a rollover, but it would've protected my youngest!  

Jacob is a regular little boy running around again - he's my accident-prone child to top it all off.  I worry every day about him and John.  I had my share of nurses and docs telling me what a bonehead idea it was to take the kids on the ATV.  Yea, WE KNOW!  Enough with giving your opinions!!  

I encountered one male nurse at the first hospital.  Here's what he had to say, "Do NOT let your husband blame himself for this accident at all!  He doesn't drink.  He doesn't beat his children.  He was simply trying to bond with his children and teach them what Daddy does when he goes hunting.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Just take better precautions next time!"  I couldn't agree more!  

We are extraordinarily blessed!  If you know anyone (we know lots) that lets their kids and themselves ride without helmets, share our story.  Don't think, "That can never happen to me!"  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Here is our beautiful Little Schuylkill River

.......and one of its inhabitants!
John and Jacob LOVE to feed the ducks!  
.....and they love being fed!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I took the kiddos today to our local dairy bar (our local dairy farmers have created their own ice cream bar and have attached a miniature golf area)!  It's out in the mountains and you pretty much have to KNOW where it is to get there!  It's a full-size mini golf course and the kids had a BLAST!  I was not sure, at first, about taking two small children mini-golfing by myself, but they loved it!  Yes, they were wanting to run around and not wanting to wait their turn. 

When asked, "Did you have fun today?"  The answer from both was an emphatic, "YES!"  That's all that truly matters!  The fact that I've pulled my hair out no longer matters!  haha

Jacob told me the other day that he wanted S'mores!!  I closely monitored my marshmallow on a long fork over the gas stovetop.  It turned out nice and toasty brown and melted perfectly on our chocolate and graham crackers!  (hint:  I kept a bowl of water VERY close by just in case).  It caught fire one time and I quickly blew it out (like at a campfire).  I never let it melt off of the fork onto my stovetop.  

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Our local town has an annual Memorial Day Parade.  Well, Jacob LOVES a parade!  I took the time to explain to him that his daddy used to serve in the military and he is a veteran.  

Our men and women of the armed forces really did/do devote themselves to our freedom.  Let's also not forget the military spouses & their families that hold down the fort while the military member is deployed!